Public notification is made well in advance of the transfer of old samples.
There are old and new samples stored in a biobank. The samples are divided into two categories according to their date of collection. Old samples are samples that have been collected before 1.9.2013, for treatment, diagnostic purposes or for medical research. The transfer of these samples to the biobank requires the assent of the regional Ethics Committee on the use of the samples for biobank research.
The notification about the transfer of an old sample collection to the biobank will be done publicly, in major magazines and in webpages. The samples can be transferred to the biobank, after notification period, as long as the donor does not forbid the transfer. If the donor does not object to the transfer, no action is required from the donor. The donor has the right at any time to subsequently deny the use of samples and data in biobank research, by giving written notice of such to the biobank.
Biobank of Eastern Finland’s sample storage:
Biobank of Eastern Finland’s sample storage contains FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples that have been collected at Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) between 1.1.2000-31.8.2013.