Step 3: Scientific steering committee
The Biobank of Eastern Finland’s Scientific Steering Committee reviews requests for sample and data access and the project proposals. The recommendation will be based on the following:
- Links between the proposed research project and the Biobank of Eastern Finland’s research focus and aims
- The scientific merits of the proposed research project
- The amount of material requested in relation to its availability within the Biobank of Eastern Finland’s sample repository
- The qualification and resources of the team carrying out the proposed research project
The Scientific Steering Committee may request a supplementary statement of Research Ethics Committee or other completing documents.
Composition of the Biobank of Eastern Finland’s Scientific Steering Committee:
- Leea Keski-Nisula, Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, KUH (chairman)
- Eino Solje, Research Director, Brain Research Unit, UEF (1. vice chairman)
- Tuomas Rauramaa, Deputy Chief Physician, Pathology, KUH (2. vice chairman)
- Jarmo Jääskeläinen, Professor in Pediatrics, UEF
- Ville Leinonen, Professor of UEF Neurosurgery
- Pekka Mäntyselkä, Professor of General Practice, School of Medicine, UEF
- Antti Saari, M.D., Ph.D., Pediatrician, Department of Pediatrics, KUH
- Johanna Kuusisto, Professor of Medicine and Chief Physician, Centre for Medicine and Clinical Research, KUH and UEF
- Juha Hartikainen, Chief Physician, Professor, Heart Center, KUH and UEF
- Kai Kaarniranta, Professor, Chief Physician, Ophthalmology, KUH
- Merja Heinäniemi, Professor, School of Medicine, Biomedicine, UEF
- Outi Kuittinen, Professor, Chief Physician, Oncology, KUH and UEF
- Päivi Auvinen, Assistant Chief Oncologist, Cancer Center, UEF
- Reetta Kälviäinen, Professor in Neurology, UEF and KUH
- Reijo Sironen, M.D., Ph.D., Docent of Pathology, KUH
- Antti Lindgren, Adjunct Professor, Neurosurgery, KUH
- Jussi Sipilä, Chief Physician, Neurology, Siun sote
- Sakari Simula, Chief Physician, Neurology, Eloisa
- Eija Ruotsalainen, Chief Physician, Infectious Diseases, Eloisa
- Tanja Saarela, Chief Physician, Clinical Genetics, KUH
- Henri Leinonen, Adjunct Professor, Neuropharmacology, UEF
- Virpi Ahola, Research Manager, Institute of Biomedicine, UEF
- Sanna Salmi, Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, UEF
- Joonas Sirola, Chief Physician, KUH
- Juhana Hakumäki, Chief Physician, KUH
- Otto Jokelainen, Chief Physician, Pathology, Eloisa
STEP by STEP guide how to acquire samples and data:
Step 3: Scientific steering committee